Wednesday, 30 October 2013


Photoshop is a programme which allows you to change the way a picture/image has been created.  You can alter the way the Photo looks by using the different features on the programme.  You can change the picture to look better or worse.  Photoshop can be used for getting rid of Red eye, spots and any unnecessary things that are in the picture.  Photoshop is a very powerful programme, once you have changed a photo, it is very hard to recognise the original picture after it has been changed.  Photoshop is used in magazines and the media all the time because it is so powerful.  It has the ability to change anything that doesn't look right in the picture. 

In class we used Photoshop to practice.  We used the programme for doing basic things such as getting rid of spots on a mans face.  We also had a go of changing red eyes in pictures.  The last thing we did on Photoshop was duplicate things.  These are only basic things in Photoshop however, it is a powerful programme once you know all the features.

1 comment:

  1. Photos that you have manipulated before and after needed here
